Fantastic Beasts
Since Newt Scamander's New York visit, Fantastic Beasts is far more than school reading! The Harry Potter prequel finally tells the story of Gellert Grindelwald, the most powerful black wizard before you-know-who.
Making history: Bathilda Bagshot
For a long time, Harry Potter fans knew Bathilda Bagshot primarily as a historian who had written standard works such as the History of Magic. It was not until the seventh book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, that it became clear that Bathilda did not just write about history, she also made history — albeit somewhat unintentionally. It was Bathilda who introduced Gellert Grindelwald, her great-nephew, to Albus Dumbledore, thus setting in motion events that would change the magical world forever. And this is what we experience in the Fantastic Beasts films, among others!
Unsung hero: Jacob Kowalski
Let's kick off with a bold theory: the Fantastic Beasts series has more great magicians than is good for it. Newton Scamander, probably the most gifted magizoologist ever. Gellert Grindelwald, one of the most dangerous dark wizards of all time. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, for many the greatest wizard who has ever lived. And then there are all the other characters who are special in their own way. Credence Barebone, the only known Obscurus to live past the age of 20. Queenie Goldstein, a Legilimens who is talented beyond measure. Nagini, a powerful as well as important Maledictus, whom we already know from the Harry Potter books.
Holy cow, that's a heck of a lot of capable people. Maybe too many people who are extremely good at what they do. Because only a very few really manage to leave a lasting impression. With one big exception that we haven't even mentioned yet. Someone who we think quickly became the poster child of the Fantastic Beasts films, even though they are not in the same league as the aforementioned magicians. And that is because our big exception is not even a wizard. We are talking, of course, about Jacob Kowalski.
The heart and soul of the films
From his very first appearance in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, it was immediately clear that Jacob (wonderfully played by Dan Fogler) was something special. This is attributed entirely to his unquestioned status as the most prominent Muggle portrayed in all the Wizarding World films. But this alone does not suffice to crown Jacob the MVP for an entire franchise, so let's elaborate.
Part of our fascination with Jacob comes from the fact that he is more grounded in reality than his companions. No, we don't mean that he is a Muggle who takes on the role of the ignorant viewer. This is almost entirely unnecessary for Fantastic Beasts, given that Harry Potter prequels are most likely to appeal to existing Harry Potter fans. But that's another topic! Jacob is more grounded in reality because, unlike other characters, he is recognisably human. Sure, he may open his eyes in amazement, gasp wildly, cackle unpleasantly, and say the exact wrong thing over and over again. But we see these as more comedic elements. What really matters is that Jacob has plausible motives. We understand what he is thinking. What drives him. Why he acts the way he does. The fact that he always radiates a certain warmth and is genuinely funny also helps. Thanks to his charm, he even manages to make the romance with Queenie work better than it should. In our view, all this makes him deeply human.
Compare that with the character of Newt Scamander, who perhaps lives too much in his own world. Something that is surely due to Eddie Redmayne's film career working in serious dramas (glossing over Jupiter Ascending here). Or even Gellert Grindelwald, who looks cool but simply wasn't sufficiently well-defined to make his actions comprehensible in a truly frightening way. Don't even get us started on Dumbledore. He's just Dumbledore after all, no one has ever really understood the man. Jacob, on the other hand, is far more than just the funny ordinary guy. He's the person who motivates Newt and co. to do great deeds. To make the right decisions. Through his fearlessness, perseverance and loyalty, he is like a beacon of goodness that no other character in Fantastic Beasts can rival. Especially not Dumbledore! And, for us, that makes him the MVP of Fantastic Beasts.
"I ain't got the brains to make this up."
Yes, the films are unimaginable without Jacob and, to be fair, the same is true for the Niffler. Even so, there is one area where even we have to admit that Jacob does not come first: Fantastic Beasts merchandise. Yes, of course, we own the perfect mug plus a fancy collector's figure. And thanks to the third film, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, and help from Dumbledore himself, Jacob even has his own wand. But there is so much more to discover beyond our favourite character.
When it comes to Fantastic Beasts merch, there's no avoiding the Niffler (as already mentioned). And as with Harry Potter, there are few things more fascinating than Fantastic Beasts wands, of which there is now a sizeable arsenal. These include, for example, the wands belonging to Credence, Aberforth Dumbledore, Newt Scamander, Dumbledore (no, not the Elder Wand), Queenie, Nicolas Flamel or Percival Graves, one of our favourites as far as looks go. There are even two Wizarding Wand Collections for Fantastic Beasts! Apart from the magical equipment, there are a number of soft toys and collector's figures, but our highlight is something completely different: a replica of Dumbledore and Grindelwald's Blood Pact pendant. Yes, there is more to the world of Fantastic Beasts merchandise than Jacob Kowalski. But none of this alters the fact that he will forever be our favourite!