Pre-orders - What You Need to Know

You can’t wait any longer, can you? You have a thirst for action and want to underscore your passion? You wanna commit asap and – pause for drama – PRE-ORDER your favourite merch! We find your lack of patience admirable.

Now a pre-order doesn’t sound like a big deal and it isn’t. But, as the Genie from Aladdin would say, “there are a few provisos, a couple of quid pro quos”. And those we explain here.

The big pre-order FAQ

Everything that can be pre-ordered will be marked with a nice blue "Pre-order" label. You can also see all items that can be pre-ordered here.
The indicated delivery date is our best estimate, the actual delivery date may vary. If this happens, we will of course let you know.
Currently, you cannot order pre-order items together with in-stock items. Also, different pre-order items cannot be combined in one order.
When you place a pre-order, you actually pay in advance (duh!), so before the items arrive. You can use these payment methods:
  • PayPal
  • SEPA direct debit
  • Amazon Pay
  • Prepayment
If you pay by prepayment, the invoice must be paid within 14 days of the order, otherwise the pre-order will be canceled.
Otherwise, a pre-order is binding just like a "normal" order. Of course, this does not change your right of withdrawal within 14 days.
Discounts no, gift vouchers yes
Yes, you are guaranteed to get your merch at the price displayed at the time of pre-order.
Pre-orderable items
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