Attack on Titan
"This world is merciless, but at the same time incredibly beautiful." Thank you Mikasa Ackermann, we can't sum up the fascination of Attack on Titan much better than that!
Attack on Avengers: the crossover
In the world of comics, crossovers are as commonplace as jam on toast for breakfast. Marvel and DC heroes are constantly meeting, fighting each other or forming alliances. These kinds of crossovers also exist in the manga world, even if they are less common. But anime crossovers with non-Japanese brands are an absolute rarity. Such as the 2014 example, where the Titans from Attack on Titan took on the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy! The eight-page comic Attack on Avengers was published as part of Free Comic Book Day in the USA.
Five reasons why Attack on Titan is one of the best anime
Dragon Ball. Naruto. One Piece. These are among the best anime of all time. And we are only too happy to extend this list to include a much more recent series, namely Attack on Titan. In a time of abundance when it comes to successful anime (Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Castlevania, etc.), Attack on Titan stands out even more from the crowd. Here are five reasons why we think the series is one of the best ever.
The best plot twists
No other anime uses surprising story twists as successfully as Attack on Titan. The main reason for this is that they do not suddenly burst upon the viewer. Where other series like to work with abrupt flashbacks to make the story arc of the current episode seem somehow logical, Attack on Titan takes its time. Almost every twist follows an extended build-up, which makes things all the more rewarding for attentive viewers. This overall approach is reinforced by the way death is treated much more seriously in the world of Attack on Titan than in other series. (Krillin, anyone?) All this leads us organically to our second point.
Long-term planning
The narrative twists work precisely because they were elaborately planned well in advance — just like the whole series! Attack on Titan has just four seasons — the fourth of which is known to be divided into three parts and is not yet complete — each building almost perfectly on the previous one. Every section of the story has a clear beginning, middle and end, which is not necessarily common these days. Two comparisons from the live-action world: Lost had one of the strongest first seasons in television history at the time, but by the end the whole thing had collapsed like a house of cards because the writers themselves didn't know how it was all supposed to make sense. (Yes, we're looking at you too, Game of Thrones.) In this sense, Attack on Titan is something like the Breaking Bad of the anime world. Relatively few seasons, but a great story, freaking excellent quality, comprehensible characters, and an inherent overall logic. And without the kind of distracting filler material found in One Piece.
Eren Jaeger
While we are talking about Breaking Bad, Walter White is one of the most exciting characters in the history of the series. His story starts tragically and ends more tragically. We are on his side to start with, but this changes over time to the point where he becomes the villain of the series. And the same is true for Eren Jaeger, maybe even more so! His character development over the course of the story is repeatedly fascinating, or even disturbing. And without going into too much detail, ultimately Eren is not the typical hero — but somehow not really the villain either. We can't think of any other character who propels the plot of a story so willingly, without any hesitation.
The world
The world of Attack on Titan is fascinating. While the whole thing felt like a cool but potentially predictable mix of dystopia and brutal zombie action when it was released in 2013, the genre has changed over time into a kind of historical war setting. But the crazy thing is that Attack on Titan delivers masterfully in both genres! And through all the mythology, the lore behind the Titans, plus the different parties and their motivations, the world radiates an unimaginable authenticity. The same is true for the power system, which is not immediately obvious and so remains exciting until the end but still makes sense.
Attack on Titan Merch
This series is nigh on impossible to fault. Or at least in our view. We would go even further and say Attack on Titan is a complete success beyond the series or the manga, and specifically when it comes to Attack on Titan merch. This may well be due in part to the cool art style, which is just ideal for epic merch. Whether you're looking for Attack on Titan T-shirts, figures or mugs, you'll find what you're looking for here. Need an Attack on Titan Funko Pop? We've got the perfect thing! Or maybe you would prefer an Attack on Titan cushion? No problem! A poster wouldn't be bad either! We've got all this covered! And we are sure that new merch highlights will continue to be picked up in our range in future. After all, as we've made very clear, Attack on Titan is one of the best anime of all time.